KEBE Paralegal Services

With our independent paralegal services, we assist individuals representing themselves in various family law matters. This includes help with petitions, motions, custody changes, child support, no-contact orders, international custody issues, and much more. Please note that we are not attorneys; as paralegals, we can only assist you, we cannot represent you in court or give you legal advice.

Even though our services are much more affordable than hiring an attorney, if you have a complicated case, we will connect you with one of our partnering attorneys. We take our client cases very seriously, and our ultimate goal is to see you win—especially when it relates to you having access to your child or children. Many clients who engage our services are either representing themselves or hiring attorneys on what is known as “limited scope representation.” In this arrangement, we act as a liaison between you and the attorney; we handle all the paperwork while the attorney provides legal representation in court and offers direct legal advice.

We collaborate with a network of experienced family law attorneys across the country, some of whom you can see featured on our FAMILY COURT PODCAST on YouTube. In certain situations, we can assist in negotiating retainer fees; however, some attorneys have fixed fees that cannot be adjusted. Our goal is to help you secure the best legal representation available, should you choose to pursue that option. Contact us: iamadad01 (at)