Detroit doctor arrested for secretly taking nude pictures and assaulting children

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As parents, we need to be more alert. SMH… Dr. Oumair Aejaz, 40, from Metro Detroit, was arrested for secretly recording women and children in private places like hospitals, bathrooms, and a swim club changing area. His wife reported his activities to authorities. Dr. Aejaz faces 10 felonies, including child sexual abuse and distributing images of unclothed individuals. Sheriff Bouchard called this case one of the most disturbing he has seen.

The charges are based on videos taken at Goldfish Swim School in Rochester, Michigan. The school claims the recordings were made using hidden equipment on the suspect’s person. Dr. Aejaz’s lawyer did not respond for comment. The police believe employees at the swim school were unaware of the cameras.

Dr. Aejaz is accused of placing cameras in various locations, including hospital rooms and bathrooms. The investigation is ongoing. He accessed patient rooms using his position as a contracted physician at multiple Detroit-area facilities. Hospitals where he worked are cooperating with authorities.

Detectives seized multiple electronic devices from Dr. Aejaz’s home, including one hard drive with over 13,000 videos. The content is being reviewed, and potential victims are being identified. Dr. Aejaz, who has no criminal history, is being held on a $2 million bond.

Moustapha Kebe

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