All-Female Jury Sentences Man to 10 Years for Fatally Shooting Wife Over Cheating

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According to ABC13, a man, Carey Birmingham, was sentenced to 10 years in prison by an all-female jury for fatally shooting his wife, Patricia Birmingham, after being shown a video of the shooting. The couple’s daughter, Olivia, is now sharing her mother’s story and finding the strength to cope.


The video captured Carey telling Patricia, “Alright, goodbye. You’re (going to) meet Jesus,” before firing his gun three times. The shooting occurred outside their home in Spring while Olivia was at school.

The argument between Patricia and Carey, triggered by Patricia’s alleged affair, escalated before the shooting took place. Carey’s defense attorney acknowledged the crime but argued that the shooting was a result of sudden passion.

Olivia expressed skepticism towards her father’s defense, emphasizing that the decision to harm someone you love cannot be impulsive. Despite not witnessing physical abuse, Olivia highlighted the emotional and financial abuse she experienced.

Carey received a 10-year sentence with the possibility of parole after five years. Olivia, in her statement to her father in court, emphasized the loss of her mother and the impact of his actions on their family.

Moustapha Kebe

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