The state of Minnesota bans 4 baby names

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There are many unique baby names out there these days. Each generation introduces new and distinct names that catch people’s attention. Over time, these names become more common and we become accustomed to them.

In the state of Minnesota, however, there are a few baby names that are not allowed. When you see the list, you probably won’t be surprised.

1. Jesus Christ: This one is pretty self-explanatory and doesn’t require much explanation.

2. Santa Claus: Imagine naming your child Santa Claus. They would expect Christmas every single day. Fortunately, this name is not an option.

3. Adolph Hitler: This name is banned for obvious reasons. Adolph Hitler is widely regarded as one of the most evil individuals in history.

4. @: Yes, you cannot name your child the @ symbol. The reason why anyone would want to do this is a mystery for another day.

Moustapha Kebe

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